The correct answer is - what's true and real.
For Socrates the good of the soul is attained only through an uncompromising search for "what's true and real".
Who was Socrates?
Socrates, the philosopher, remains an enigma, an impenetrable figure who, despite it having published nothing, is regarded one of the few of thinkers who forever transformed what philosophy itself was going to be conceived.
Some key features regarding the Socrates are-
- All of our information concerning him is second-hand, and much of it is hotly debated, yet his trial and death at the hands of Athenian democracy is the origin myth of the scientific discipline of philosophy, and his effect has been felt well beyond philosophy itself, and in all ages.
- Because his life is widely regarded as a model not just of the philosophic life but, more broadly, for how anyone should live, Socrates has been burdened with the adoration and emulation normally reserved for religious figures - strange for an individual who tried so difficult to achieve others undertake their own thinking and for someone who was convicted and implemented on the control of irreverence towards to the gods.
- He was certainly impressive, so much so that many others have been moved to comment about him, all of whom thought him odd by fifth-century Athens conventions: in his look, demeanor, and manner, in addition to his views and tactics
To know more about the Socrates, here