While Franck and Hertz thought they were measuring the increase ionization potential of mercury, they were in fact measuring the energy of the increase excited state.
Their experiment showed that if the electron kinetic energy was below the energy of the increase excited state of mercury, the electrons could not excite the mercury atoms.
It has been verified by the Franck-Hertz experiment that atoms can absorb energy not in the form of more or less but in discontinuous amounts.
Electrons coming out of the electron gun lose a certain amount of energy when they collide with the gas atoms in the mercury gas section. Gas atoms in the ground state become unstable. The ground state is the most stable state of the atom.
Electronvolt eV , which is a very small energy unit, is used to indicate the energies of electrons and is equal to the energy gained by an electron on moving through a potential difference of 1V.
The state in which the atom is before any excitation energy is given is called the ground state.
The smallest energy value that can remove an electron from an atom is called ionization energy.
To learn more about Franck-Hertz experiment