The hormone that increases the flexibility of the pubic symphysis during pregnancy is Relaxin.
Relaxin, a hormone released early in pregnancy, increases the laxity (looseness) of the ligaments surrounding the pelvic, allowing the pelvis to expand during labor.
During the peripartum phase, the pubic symphysis might separate. In addition to mediating hemodynamic changes during pregnancy, the hormone relaxin (RLX), which is largely released by the corpus luteum, can also loosen the pelvic ligaments.
The pubic symphysis is a joint that is situated directly above your vulva, in the middle of your pubic bones.
The ligaments surrounding this joint become more elastic and supple when you are pregnant so that your baby can pass through during birth.
The ovary and placenta both generate the hormone relaxin, which has significant effects on the female reproductive system and on pregnancy.
It loosens the ligaments in the pelvis and softens and opens the cervix in order to prepare for childbirth.
Learn more about Relaxin hormone here