Mr. Ortez told each student in his class to pick a folded piece of graph paper from a bowl. He instructed them to study the graph on the paper and describe it to the class if they have a graph showing equivalent ratios. Four students gave a description, but only one was correct. The description that is correct is a graph that connects 3 points connected by a straight line that passes through (5, 0).
Equivalent ratios are the ratios that might be identical while we compare them. or more ratios may be in comparison with every other to test whether they are equal or now not. for instance, 1:2 and 2:four are equal ratios.
The land equivalent ratio is an idea in agriculture that describes the relative land vicinity required beneath sole cropping (monoculture) to supply the equal yield as under intercropping (polyculture).
A ratio compares two quantities of equal units. Reasoning proportionally the usage of multiplication and division produces equivalent ratios. equal ratios are beneficial to make comparisons.
Learn more about equivalent ratios here