Check the picture below.
now hmmm let's observe, hmmmm 11 has two digits, and low and behold, the 2 is right in the middle, then 1 and 1 on flanking it.
let's check 111 hmmmm has three digits and has a 3 right in the middle as well, and low and behold, is flanked by a regressing count, namely an "outwards" count.
let's check 1111 and 11111, same happens, one has a digit of 4 in the middle and the other 5, and yes, the "outwards" count on each, outwards count towards 1 each time btw.
so, if we were to take that pattern, we can say that eight 1's, namely 11111111 x 11111111, will have an 8 in the middle, and will look like 1234567 8 7654321.