Image reformatting - For instance, modifying a GIF to a JPEG. Drawing shapes. Resize and rotate images. Basic image editing such as red eye and difference
A paintbrush is utilized for drawing, coloring, and editing the pictures. We can use Paint Brush like a digital sketchpad to make straightforward pictures. Files created in Paint Brush are saved as bitmap files.
Features contained in the paint are pencil, brush and airbrush tool. The capability to add text, lines and shapes. Also contained are an eraser, magnifier, and fill colour tools.
A paint program is a software pictures program that allows the user to draw, color, or paint bitmapped images on a computer. Though most are finished, examples include: KolourPaint, XPaint, Deluxe Paint, MacPaint, and Microsoft Paint, which is displayed in the picture
To learn more about paint program, refer