Asking for help is hard for many of us, but it's even harder when our request is denied. describe a time when you asked for help and the person you asked was either unwilling or unable to help you. how did you feel? speculate and try to explain why they did not help you. explain what you did next.

Respuesta :

The biggest reason that many people for staying to be stuck rather than asking for help is fear. People worry about being ignored or told "no," about being judged as "less than," "weak," or about being "found out." It need not be terrible to hear "no."

We don't have to make up a story and make the rejection about us (make it about us). It's possible that the individual we asked didn't have the necessary tools to assist us at the time.

It's preferable to take "no" as the response to our request rather than as a rejection of who we are. A "no" instructs us to stop wasting time and effort on this specific individual and brings us closer to someone who will respond "yes."

Some people mistake vulnerability for weakness, yet it takes guts and self-awareness to ask for help. Knowing where our strengths are and where they aren't is crucial.

The most effective course of action may occasionally include concentrating our efforts where they will have the greatest impact and pleading with others to fill in the gaps in accordance with their skill sets, fostering cooperation and collaboration.

To be vulnerable is to provide the opportunity to connect and pool resources, thereby resulting in further strength.

Learn more about unwilling