Among merge sort and quick sort, which algorithm takes more spaces? what strategy is used by the other algorithm to use less space and run slightly faster in average case?

Respuesta :

Merge sort requires more space than quick sort. Bogo sort is used by the other algorithm to use less space and run slightly faster in average case.

To find the answer, we need to know more about the Maxillary space.

What is Maxillary space?

  • Quicksort consumes less space and has better cache locality than merge sort, which uses more space.
  • An in-place sorting algorithm is quick sort.
  • No additional storage space is required for sorting when it is done in-place.
  • Because Join Sort does not exist, Quick Sort has the advantage of space since Merge Sort needs a temporary array to merge the sorted arrays.

Thus, we can conclude that, merge sort requires more space than quick sort. Bogo sort is used by the other algorithm to use less space and run slightly faster in average case.

Learn more about the algorithm here: