Match the example to the phrase it represents.

1. The IMH visitor cares for a child while the elderly parents rest.
traumatic brain injury
2. The IMH visitor cares for a child who was involved in a car accident and has resulting disabilities.
concrete support
3. The IMH visitor shows a parent how to engage the child in certain learning activities.
special case

Respuesta :

The answer is TBI(traumatic brain injury) -option 2(A youngster who was injured in a vehicle accident and had resultant impairments is cared after by the IMH visitor.); Concrete support -option 3(The IMH visitor demonstrates to a parent how to get their child involved in specific educational pursuits.); Special case- option 1(While the parents relax, the IMH visitor takes care of the young kid).

Description of the statements:

A sudden trauma damages the brain, leading to "traumatic brain injury (TBI)", a kind of acquired brain injury. TBI can happen when the head strikes something abruptly and forcefully or when something penetrates the skull and affects the brain.

This case is related to option 2 which states that a youngster injured in a vehicle accident and has resultant impairments is cared after by the IMH visitor.

Engaging the genuine experts (IMH) on each child—their families—will help them achieve the best results for the young kids they deal with. This case is related to "concrete support".

And the rest option that is a "special case" is related to the elderly parents' slumber, the IMH visitor looks after a youngster.

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