HIPPA’s security rule sets standards to safeguard the confidentiality of ePHI so sensitive information can be accessed only by authorized individuals.

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In order to secure people's "electronically protected health information," businesses known as "covered entities" must implement both technical and non-technical security measures. This is how the Security Rule operationalizes the privacy protections in the Privacy Rule (e-PHI).

What does the Security Rule Protect?

The "covered entities", health plans, healthcare clearinghouses, and any other healthcare provider, that transmits health information electronically in association with an activity that meets the Secretary of HHS has approved HIPAA standards as well as their business partners are subject to the Security Rule.

What Data is Safeguarded?

  • Protected health information in electronic form. Protected health information (PHI), often known as personally identifiable information (PHI), is safeguarded by the HIPAA Privacy Rule.
  • All personally identifiable health information that a covered entity generates acquires, retains, or transmits electronically is protected by the Security Rule as a component of data governed by the Privacy Rule. This data is referred to as "electronically" protected health information" under the Security Rule (e-PHI).
  • PHI that is transmitted verbally or in writing is not covered by the Security Rule.

Learn more about Security Rule here:
