Respuesta :

Before the Civil War, nearly  million black slaves worked in the American South. Modern scholars have gathered much evidence  that few slaves accepted their lack of freedom or enjoyed life on the plantation.

As one former slave said, "There is no day  for a slave, and he is undesirable. However, it  is important to remember that while some slaves worked on large cotton plantations, , others worked in other types of agriculture, including tobacco, hemp (to make rope), corn, and cattle. In Southern cities, many worked in a variety of other occupations. New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island all have a history of slavery.

Many states, including Maryland, Tennessee and Missouri, abolished slavery before the end of the Civil War. However, some states still allowed slavery until the Thirteenth Amendment  was introduced, completely abolishing slavery in the country in 1865. The number of slaves in the United States grew. rapidly, reaching million in the 1860 census. From 1770 to 1860, the rate of natural increase of North American slaves was much higher than that of the population of any country in Europe, and almost twice  that of England.

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