Items 21-23 are worth 4 points each, for a total of 12 points.

21. Traduzca la siguiente oración al español.


Katy's favorite network is Fox.

22. Traduzca la siguiente oración al español. Use el verbo en la forma de tú.

It is important that you do exercises.


23. Traduzca la siguiente oración al español.

It is certain that he is a good actor.

Respuesta :

These are the Spanish translations of the English sentences given:

  1. El canal favorito de Katy es Fox.
  2. Es importante que hagas ejercicios.
  3. Es certero que él es un buen actor.

How can you solve these exercises that relate to Spanish vocabulary and translations from English to Spanish?

In this exercise, you have to translate three different sentences from English to Spanish.

To complete this type of exercise, you need to pay attention to Spanish vocabulary and key words that can help you understand the context of the sentences given. For example, some key words from the sentences given are:

  • network (canal)
  • exercises (ejercicios)
  • good actor (buen actor)

If you need extra help, you can search the dictionary for definitions. It is best to look for definitions and not the exact translation because you may get a different meaning if you look for the translation of one word.

Check more information about Spanish vocabulary here