The half-life of sr-89 will be 51 days.
What is a Beta decay?
- In nuclear physics, beta decay is a type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus emits a beta particle (a fast energetic electron or positron), which changes the original nuclide into an isobar of that nuclide.
- Prior to beta decay, neither the beta particle nor the associated (anti-)neutrino is present in the nucleus; instead, they are produced during the decay process. This procedure gives unstable atoms a protons-to-neutrons ratio that is more stable.
- The weak force, which is characterized by relatively slow decay durations, results in beta decay.
- Up and down quarks make up nucleons, and the weak force allows a quark to change the flavor of its lepton by emitting a W boson, which produces an electron/antineutrino or positron/neutrino pair.
- For instance, the disintegration of a neutron, which consists of two down quarks and an up quark, produces a proton, which consists of a down quark and two up quarks.
- Because the fundamental nuclear mechanism, mediated by the weak force, is the same, electron capture is occasionally considered a kind of beta decay. In electron capture, a proton in the nucleus captures an inner atomic electron, turning it into a neutron, and releasing an electron neutrino.
To learn more about beta decay strontium-89 click here-