According to a 2013 systematic study, 32% of kids on the autism spectrum lose skills, often known as autistic regression.
A diverse collection of developmental problems, autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterised by deficits in social interaction and communication as well as restricted interests and/or repetitive motor behaviours. Epilepsy, behaviour problems, anxiety, cognitive impairment, and loss of early childhood skills are all disorders that are frequently present in people with ASD.
A youngster with regressive autism first seems to be making conventional developmental progress before abruptly losing speech and social abilities. It is also known as acquired autistic syndrome, autistic regression, setback-type autism, and autism with regression. Typically, between the ages of 15 and 30 months, symptoms and signs appear. These abilities might be lost quickly or gradually. Usually, a protracted period of talent stagnation follows it.
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