The main goal of the human genome project(hgp) is to identify the nucleotide sequence of the whole human genome and map all of the human genes.
To identify the DNA sequence of the entire human genome, researchers from around the world collaborated on the Human Genome Project (hgp).
Sequencing the entire genome. Identification of the complete human genome are some other goals for human genome project.
The Human Genome Project (HGP) was an international, cooperative research initiative with the aim of completely mapping and comprehending every human gene. Our "genome" is the collective name for all of our genes.
The Human Genome Project located the entire human gene pool, sequenced them all, and identified some alleles, notably those that, in the event of a mutation, are capable of causing disease.
Genes may be mapped in relation to other genes or to the physical characteristics of the chromosome.
Learn more about Human genome project here