The Thylakoids, in the chloroplast, contains photosynthetic pigments in its membrane.
What are Thylakoids?
- Chloroplasts and cyanobacteria contain membrane-bound compartments called thylakoids.
- They serve as the location of the photosynthetic reactions that depend on light. A thylakoid membrane surrounds a thylakoid lumen in thylakoids.
- Grana, which are often composed of stacks of disks formed by chloroplast thylakoids (singular: granum). Intergranal/stromal thylakoids, which connect granum stacks as one functional compartment, connect grana.
- Chlorophyll pigments are present in bundles called quantasomes in thylakoid membranes. Between 230 to 250 chlorophyll molecules make up each quantasome.
To learn more about Thylakoids