The cornea (d) is part of the focusing system of the eye.
What is cornea?
- The part of the eye that is a transparent avascular tissue that acts as a structural barrier and protects the eye against infections.
- The cornea is horizontally oval, measuring 11–12 mm horizontally and 9–11 mm vertically. The average corneal horizontal diameter is 11.71 ± 0.42 mm. The corneal diameter ranged from 11.04–12.50mm in males and 10.7–12.58mm in females.
- The limbus is widest in superior and inferior cornea. Cornea is convex and aspheric. The anterior curvature is 7.8 mm and posterior curvature is about 6.5 mm.
- It provides proper anterior refractive surface for the eye. Cornea contributes to two-third of the refractive power of the eye.
- Cornea contributes to about 40–44 D of refractive power and accounts for approximately 70% of total refraction. The refractive index of cornea is 1.376.
To learn more about cornea: