How are tillie and ruth depicted as opposites in the story, "the effect of gamma rays on man-in-the-moon marigolds," by paul zindel? use a quote from tillie and ruth.

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Tillie is a young girl who enjoys science and is intelligent, sympathetic, and strong. She works with marigold seedlings that have undergone various radiation exposures. She scatters the seeds, then she watches what happens.

Ruth is Tillie's older, more attractive, less intelligent, yet much cool sister. Ruth's intense dread of dying causes her to have seizures and lose her anger, but when Tillie's marigold experiment receives praise, Ruth is truly happy for her sister.

Beatrice is not happy when Ruth barges in after school one day bursting with joy that Tillie is a finalist in the scientific fair and that, as her mother, she would be required to stand on stage with Tillie.

"How could you treat me like this?... Do you hear me when I say that I have nothing to wear? On that stage, I'd resemble you exactly, you ugly little you! "I despise that school today, just as much as I disliked it when I was there," Beatrice later admits.

Learn more about Ruth