What must you do at a flashing red light? * 1 point slow down and proceed with caution be ready for a traffic light ahead stop and wait until the light stops flashing stop and proceed only when clear

Respuesta :

Stop and wait until the light stops flashing stop and proceed only when clear.

Flashing Red - A flashing red traffic signal light means "STOP." After stopping, you may proceed when it is safe.

How must you react to a flashing red traffic light?

  • Flashing Red: If the traffic signal is flashing red, treat it as a stop sign and come to a complete stop at the intersection.
  • Look carefully in all directions before proceeding. Other directions may have a different type of signal indication.

What must a driver do at a flashing yellow light ?

  • A flashing yellow light warns drivers to slow down and proceed with caution. Drivers may turn left on a green light.
  • However, drivers must yield the right-of-way if other traffic is approaching from the opposite direction.

Learn more about traffic lights
