When measuring a condominium you should calculate GLA using interior measurements.
What is condominium?
A condominium is an individually owned home surrounded by other homes.
What is GLA?
GLA stands for Gross Living Area
- The GLA is the "total area of finished, above-grade residential space; computed by measuring the outer perimeter of the structure and comprises only finished, habitable, above-grade dwelling space," according to The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal.
How is GLA calculated?
- To determine a property's above-grade gross living area, the appraiser should divide the external building dimensions by the number of floors. (The below-grade area is likewise subject to the measuring process)
- The appraiser should utilize interior perimeter unit dimensions to determine the gross living area for units in condo or co-op structures.
- Basements and garages, even those that are partially above-grade, are not to be counted in the number of rooms above grade.
Pros of condominium:
- Lower-maintenance living
- Sense of security
- Socializing opportunities
- Affordability
- Amenities
Cons of condominium:
- HOA rules
- Investment risk
- Higher interest rates
- Lack of privacy
- Limited outdoor space
- Rising HOA fees
- Special assessments
- Restrictive rental policies
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