2. How does a bill become a law? Explain how a bill starts the process of becoming a law. Make sure you identify each stage of the process where opponents of a bill could sidetrack or kill it. Be sure to explain the role of the legislative, executive, and judicial branch in this process.​

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Before a bill becomes a law,

  • It has to undergo through bureaucratic process for it to be adopted.
  • The process starts in the House of representatives,
  • Followed by the Senate,
  • Then the judiciary
  • Finally, the president.


Intro by Bill

A bill starts as an idea. A citizen or representative must first offer the concept in the House. If the representatives like the proposal, they will draft a bill. In the House, bills are presented in a hopper on the clerk's desk. The clerk numbers the measure before presenting it to the speaker. The speaker will read the measure to the house and then send it to a committee. The committee will determine whether the measure should be debated in the house. The house committee may vote to kill or table the measure.

Bill arrives. After the committee approves a measure, it goes to the house for debate. Section by section, the clerk reads the bill. Legislators will change portions they deem inadequate.

This is my point-of-view feel free to alter.

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