HELPP!! ENGLISH ROMEO AND JULIET!! Write a Literature Analysis on Love and Conflict
Planning and Developing Your Literature Analysis
In this activity, you will plan, draft, and revise a literature analysis. Remember that your analysis will be a
response to this question: How does Shakespeare develop a theme in Romeo and Juliet?
In this task, you will plan and draft your literature analysis.

Part A - Select Theme and Evidence for Your Analysis
First, determine the theme you will address in your essay and what textual evidence you will include.
you need help planning these details, look back at the work you did on the graphic organizers in the unit.
Use these guiding questions as you plan your analysis.
Then, complete the table. For each element in the first column, provide textual evidence from
throughout the play, including the prologues, soliloquies, monologues, and asides. In the second
column, describe how the examples of each element develop the theme.

HELPP ENGLISH ROMEO AND JULIET Write a Literature Analysis on Love and Conflict Planning and Developing Your Literature Analysis In this activity you will plan class=

Respuesta :

Shakespeare developed a theme in Romeo and Juliet through the enduring tragedy that was illustrated in the story.

How to illustrate the information?

It should be noted that a theme simply means the underlying message that's illustrated based on the information given in a story.

In this case, the themes of death, love, and violence were illustrated in the story. Based on the information given, the theme that's selected is the theme of love. In this case, the play focused on the romantic love that Romeo and Juliet showed for each other.

This can be seen through the intense passion that's springs up when Romeo and Juliet saw each other for the first time. Even though both families were enemies, they still loved each other. Also, because of the love that they had for each other, they eventually died.

Here, Shakespeare developed a theme in Romeo and Juliet through the enduring tragedy that was illustrated in the story. In the story, love superseded loyalties and values.

Learn more about theme on: