A wai khru is a ritual found in ______ that honors a student's teacher and the ancestral spirits of teachers from the past.

Respuesta :

A wai khru is a ritual found in Thailand that honors a student's teacher and the ancestral spirits of teachers from the past.

Wai is a traditional Thai greeting  where they clasp their hands together as a prayer. Kru means teacher. All in all, Wai kru is a way to pay tribute to your coaches, your gym, your training partners, and your family. Upon entering the ring, the fighters circle the ring counterclockwise and pray at each corner. They bow  three times at each street corner to greet the Buddha, the Dharma, and the sangha of monks.

Then they start ram muay, the moves will be based on Hanuman. Contrary to what some people think,  Wai Kru is not necessarily affiliated with a religion. It's a way of showing respect to the gym, your trainer, your competitors and your loved ones - it can be  family OR  religion if you like.

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