If the baby weighs 6577 grams, that translates to 14 pounds, 8 ounces in weight for the newborn.
Provided, 1 pound = 453.59 gms
the weight of a newborn = 6577 gms
Hence, 1 gm = 1/453.59 pound
or, 6577 gms = 6577/453.59 pound
or, 6577 gms = 14.499 pounds ≈ 14.50 pounds
Now, we have to calculate that 0.50 pounds are how much ounce.
1 pound = 16 ounces
So, 0.50 pounds = 8 ounces
Hence, 6577 gms = 14 pounds and 8 ounces
We know that 1 ounce = 28.35 gms
or, 1 gm = 1 / 28.35 ounce
So, when we measure the weight of a newborn baby we have to convert the grams to ounces.
So, 6577 gms = 6577/ 28.35 ounce
or, 6577 gms = 231.99 ounce ≈ 232 ounce
Therefore the solution is 14 pounds and 8 ounces.
Learn more about ounce here: