if the principles of li and ren were present and operative in a person, the end product would be the superior human being.
Li is the external manifestation of Confucian ideas, whereas ren represents both the internal and external manifestations of the same goals. The basic meaning of li, according to Hopfe and Woodward, is "the path of life as it is designed to go." Li also carries social and religious overtones. Li encouraged values like filial piety, brotherliness, righteousness, good faith, and loyalty in his teachings.
People born with superhuman talents are known as Superior Humans (also known as Superiors or Superior Mortals). The superior humans were intended to take the place of humans when they had inevitably gone extinct, according to the Creators. Witches, psychics, and regenerative beings are among them.
Humans are the best. Because we humans utilize energy for far more than only to fuel our own metabolism, unlike almost every other organism on Earth. We are a fire-based species. With the invention of fire hundreds of thousands of years ago, humanity began a unique connection with energy.
To know more about Li and ren refer to: https://brainly.com/question/14178668