In Ovid's Metamorphoses, Althaea chose to avenge her brother's death by killing her own son.
Ovid's Metamorphoses is a great poem that portrays stories about love and argues that how love causes great pain.
Meleager is a warrior who escaped the death blow. His going to Atlanta made his uncles Plexippus and Toxeus angry. So, he killed them.
Althaea Meleager's mother was outraged by the death of her brothers. She already knew that as long as a certain log is not consumed by fire, Meleager will live. so, Althaea decides to throw the log into the fire and ultimately kill her own son.
According to Ovid, Althaea loves both her son, Meleager, and her slain brothers. However, love for her brothers and the familiar thirst for revenge leads her to kill Meleager.
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