You are getting ready to transport to the left lane to spot motors passing beside you it is first-rate to: flip your head to the left.
You can not pass at the left if: Your lane has a stable yellow centerline. You can't safely return to the right lane before attaining a stable yellow middle line for the right lane. You cannot properly go back to the right lane before any coming near vehicle comes within two hundred toes of you.
When stepping into any other lane:
Step 1: turn on your flip signal.
Step 2: test your rearview and aspect mirrors.
Step 3: Appear over your shoulder to test your blind spot.
Step 4: alternate lanes!
Step 5: turn your flip sign off.
As you approach a curve, flow to the side of your lane opposite the course of the curve. as an instance, if the street curves to the left, pass to the proper facet of your lane. As you retain through the curve, roll your automobile closer to the opposite side of your lane.
Start and end the flip within the lane nearest the right edge of the street. Do no longer swing extensively into every other lane of visitors. watch for pedestrians, motorcyclists, and bicyclists between your car and the lessen.
Learn more about the left lane here: