In 2015, one-third percentage of children in the united states was delivered surgically by cesarean section (or c-section).
- The nationwide rate of births via cesarean section (c-section) increased by 50% between roughly 2005 and 2015.
- A third of all births in 2015 occurred through surgery, exceeding the federal Healthy People 2020 goal of 23.9 percent for low-risk deliveries by a wide margin.
- However, in the United States, almost one in three births are performed through C-section, a number that has increased significantly over the past two decades, from 5% in 1970 to 20% in 1996.
- In comparison, roughly 16% of deliveries in Finland and 24% of births in the UK occur via C-section.
- In the last 20 years, the maternal mortality rate in the US has increased to 14 fatalities per 100,000 live births.
learn more about cesarean section here: