Respuesta :
Increase in heart rate.
Increase in respiratory rate.
What is a sympathetic nervous system?
The peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system are the two primary divisions of the human nervous system, as shown in the image below.
Two additional parts make up the peripheral nervous system. Skeletal muscle movement that is voluntary is controlled by the somatic nervous system. The somatic nervous system is at action when you choose to bring your coffee cup to your lips; it is doing so by engaging the necessary muscles. The autonomic nervous system, which regulates functions outside of our conscious awareness, is the second part of the PNS.
The parasympathetic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system are additional divisions of the autonomic nervous system (which you are interested in). They have negative consequences on one another, to put it very broadly. While the parasympathetic neural system largely works to calm the body, the sympathetic nervous system often stimulates the body. Although this is a streamlined perspective, it might be helpful to think about it this way.
The sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system speeds up heartbeat, slows down digestion, opens up airways in the lungs to allow for greater airflow, triggers the liver to release glucose, and relaxes the bladder. All of this wakes up the body and gets it ready to "fight."
The parasympathetic division, in contrast, slows the heart rate, tightens the bronchi in the lungs, and boosts blood flow to the digestive system. The phrase "relax and digest" has been used to describe it.
The parasympathetic nervous system's nerves originate from the brainstem and spinal cord, as shown in the diagram. The "ganglia" (collections of cell bodies) of the sympathetic nervous system, however, exist beyond the spinal cord.
It's interesting to note that whereas the sympathetic nervous system activates the body using both acetylcholine (ACh) and norepinephrine (NE), the parasympathetic nervous system solely needs ACh to affect organs.
The sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve systems are autonomic, which means we typically have minimal control over them.