A general guideline of employment rights
The Consitution of the United States is the base for the entire government as well as the laws of the country.
Bill of Rights
The Consitution has a section commonly referred to as the "bill of rights." This section lists out 10 individual rights that everyone in the country has. Later, this section was amended further to add more rights.
Checks and Balances
Additionally, because the Constitution lays out the format of the government different sections bring up points on how to balance power. For example, Article II, Section 3 allows the president to be impeached if he abuses his power.
Division of Power
The USA follows federalism. This means that there is both a central government and local governments. In the Constitution, rules are in place to ensure that state governments maintain some power. For example, the tenth amendment gives power to the states.
Items Not in the Constitution
The Constitution's primary goal is to create a government and protect basic, individual rights. However, this does not include employment. While there are laws to protect employees and salaries, there are not any in the Constitution.