Any man made cut, cavity, trench, or depression in the earth’s surface formed by earth removal is: select one: a. borrow pit b. basement c. excavation d. trench excavation e. canal

Respuesta :


  c.  excavation


Earth removal is called excavation.

Other terms

Borrow pit - generally has the purpose of supplying earthen material for use elsewhere. The material is "borrowed," and may or may not be returned.

Basement - an excavation under a structure, generally for the purpose of providing habitable or storage space. It is usually enclosed so as to provide some protection from weather. A "daylight" basement may be excavated from a hill in such a way that ground-level access can be provided.

Trench excavation - an excavation in the shape of a trench. It may be used for burying utilities (pipelines, cables), or may be used to obtain a sampling of the underground material over an area of interest. Trench excavations may be used in archaeology for the purpose of characterizing a site, and/or determining the extent of the area of interest.

Canal - an aqueduct for water, which may or may not be navigable. It is often constructed by excavation, but may actually be raised above ground level to bridge obstacles.