Start with a timed brainstorming exercise. Take a blank sheet of paper and set up a clock, watch, or timer. Take 60 seconds and write down as many facts, images, events, or quotes as possible about tense or dangerous Cold War events.

A Cold War events brainstorming exercise can be carried out by collecting data and information from reliable sources to form a consistent point of view.
It was a political-ideological conflict that took place between 1947 and 1991, between the Soviet Union and the United States, where the main objective was world hegemony.
As a result of the cold war, the world was divided into two great regimes, capitalism and socialism.
In your Brainstorming, you can include some tense and dangerous events from the Cold War, such as:
Therefore, the period of the Cold War marked by world tensions and alliances of the two main countries involved for greater support, in addition to technological developments and the space race, in search of world hegemony.
Find out more about Cold War here: