The correlation coefficient between U and V is -0.5587 and it illustrates to at there's a negative relationship between U and V.
The data shows that:
E(x) = 1
E(y) = 2
E(z) = 3
Var(X) = 2² = 4
Var(Y) = 4² = 16
Var(Z) = 5² = 25.
Cov(U, V) = 16
Var(U) = Var(Z - Y)
= 25 - 0 + 16
= 41
The correlation coefficient will be:
= -16/✓(20 × 41)
= -0.5587
The correlation coefficient between U and V is -0.5587 and it illustrates to at there's a negative relationship between U and V.
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