Rutherford gold-foil experiment
In 1909 Rutherford disproved Sir J.J. Thomson's model of the atom as a uniformly distributed substance. Because only very few of the alpha particles in his beam were scattered by large angles after striking the gold foil while most passed completely through, Rutherford knew that the gold atom's mass must be concentrated in a tiny dense nucleus.
Most alpha particles passed straight through the gold foil, which implied that atoms are mostly composed of open space. Some alpha particles were deflected slightly, suggesting interactions with other positively charged particles within the atom. Still other alpha particles were scattered at large angles, while a very few even bounced back toward the source. (Rutherford famously said later, “It was almost as incredible as if you fired a 15-inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it came back and hit you.”) Only a positively charged and relatively heavy target particle, such as the proposed nucleus, could account for such strong repulsion. The negative electrons that balanced electrically the positive nuclear charge were regarded as traveling in circular orbits about the nucleus. The electrostatic force of attraction between electrons and nucleus was likened to the gravitational force of attraction between the revolving planets and the Sun. Most of this planetary atom was open space and offered no resistance to the passage of the alpha particles.
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Respuesta :

The Rutherford experiment was used to prove the existence of a positively charged nucleus containing the protons.

What is the Rutherford experiment?

The Rutherford experiment was used to prove the existence of a positively charged nucleus..

Alpha particles passed mostly undeflected through a aluminum foil.

The part of the foil where the alpha particles were deflected  was the positively charged nucleus where most of the mass of the atom was concentrated.

In conclusion, the Rutherford experiment proved the existence of a positively charged nucleus.

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