Complete the paragraph to compare Uranus and Neptune.

Uranus and Neptune are called “ice giants” because they experience very low temperatures. This is due to the fact that these two planets are very far from the
. Their atmospheres both contain
, which makes them appear blue in color.
is believed to have an active and changing atmosphere. Uranus and Neptune have rings and many moons and are part of a group called the

Respuesta :

The Solar system is a gravitationally bound system, consisting of sun along with eight planets with their moons to revolve roughly it. These planets are not alone commodities, whereas some other cosmic objects such as dwarf planets, comets, meteoroids, and asteroids completes the entire solar system.

What are 2 similarities between Uranus and Neptune?

Uranus and Neptune have comparable masses and internal compositions. Their outer atmospheres are composed of hydrogen, helium and methane, while their mantles are a mixture of water, ammonia and methane ices, and their cores are a mix of rock and ice.

  • The planets like Uranus and Neptune are found at outermost part of the Solar system, since they are located after the asteroid belt.
  • All of these outer planets are much larger then the internal ones so they are also known as "ice giants". The other reason for this name is that they are very distant from the Sun, so their temperature is low.
  • Another feature they have in ordinary is their atmosphere which is composed of gases, including methane, which is accountable for their blue color, since methane absorbs red light.
  • However Neptune is known for very short winds and storms in its atmosphere which is accountable for its high action and changes.

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