
So my friend literally blocked me for a really small thing and she didnt even talk about it! What should i reply her(in person) to talk as well as make her regret her decision?

Respuesta :


Yes, it hurts.

Take a deep breath. Step back. Close your eyes. Open them again.

You are never, ever, under any circumstances, ever entitled to another person’s time and attention.

I understand how that feels; I've felt what you're feeling.

Not everything that feels bad means someone is doing something wrong to you. If another person decides they never want to speak to you again, they have the right to make that choice.

It doesn't mean they're sociopathic. It means they don't want to speak to you again.

It might hurt. You might want to know why. You might want the chance to explain.

Doesn't matter. You are not entitled to another person’s time and attention.

tell her how you feel and let it go from there