
Why did Germany dislike the League of Nations?
think of LAMB - land, army, money and blame

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Germany disliked the league of nations for this reason.


It prevented them from violating the treaty of Versailles.

Land: Germany lost land in the World War, which although not as much as say Austria-Hungary and Russia, still humiliated the German people. They lost Alsace-Lorraine to France (Germany took Alsace-Lorraine in the Franco-Prussian War), lost parts of Prussia to Poland (most notably the polish corridor and danzig), and lost Schleswig to Denmark.

Army: Germany's army was shrunk significantly after the world war, and this was so Germany wouldn't start another world war. Germany was also not allowed to have a navy or airforce.

Money: Germany had to pay 132 Billion Gold Marks, which today is 269 Billion dollars. This is a lot of money, and the Germans, understandably, were furious. This wasn't helped at all by the Great Depression, which was mainly because the US wanted its loans back from Germany. The French and Belgian governments also wanted their money, so they raided the Uhr factories, and killed a ton of people.

Blame: Versailles would put the blame on the Germans for starting the world war, and put severe limitations on their country.

So all in all a pretty harsh treaty, but nowhere near Brest-Litovsk or the Austro-Hungarian treaty. The treaty would be the foundation for World War II, as the German people hated the outcome. This would lead to more extreme parties coming, such as Hitler's party.

After World War II, the Allied powers didn't force germany to pay because they were afraid it would cause another war.