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The Articles of Confederation were the first document used by the nation to unify the states.

However, people accepted that the country needed a stronger central government than the Articles allowed for.


To understand why the Articles had to be completely scrapped, we need to understand how the Articles worked.

The Articles said that the states were simply a Confederation as opposed to a fully united country.

  • A confederation is an organization of groups allied together.

The Articles were a prime example of how America was scared of becoming England after its independence. They avoided any form of a strong federal government that could hold the states together. Additionally, Americans were so tired of taxation without representation, that the Articles made it impossible for the federal government to impose taxes. Also, there was no way for the federal government to settle disputes between different states.

All of these factors led to the downfall of the Articles and the creation of the Consitution.

Creation of a New Consitution

Over time, the problems listed above became apparent. The federal government was collapsing because it had no form of income. Without any taxes, the federal government could not function. After the war, inflation was on the raise and congress couldn't help because it had no budget.

States also had trouble keeping up with the new freedom and had no federal government to turn to. The states had in-fighting with no federal courts to make nationwide decisions. Territory disputes could also not be solved with the existing government structure.

Eventually, people came to the agreement that we needed a new constitution that allowed for a functioning federal government. The Articles could not simply be fixed. It was too weak and left no opening for a federal government, so the Constitutional Convention assembled and wrote the Constitution.