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BRAIN TRUST. Before his nomination as the Democratic presidential candidate in 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt assembled a team of close advisers that included Raymond Moley, Rexford G. Tugwell, and Adolph A. Berle, Jr. These three continued to support Roosevelt during his electoral campaign. Following his inauguration, they rose to prominence in the president's councils and were given compensated positions in Washington. They and the subsequent group of economists, attorneys, and intellectuals who joined the administration got the moniker "brain trust," regardless of whether they were close to the president or genuinely responsible for any revolutionary programs or policies. As a result, the phrase "brain trust" came to represent all New Deal experiments.

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Franklin Roosevelt's Brain Trust is best described as a collection of smart experts who would assist Roosevelt in moving the nation forward. A brain trust is a group of close advisers to a person with political ambitions. These individuals are typically academicians who are well-versed in their fields.

  • BRAIN TRUST. Before his nomination as the Democratic presidential candidate in 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt assembled a team of close advisers that included Raymond Moley, Rexford G. Tugwell, and Adolph A. Berle, Jr.
  • These three continued to support Roosevelt during his electoral campaign. Following his inauguration, they rose to prominence in the president's councils and were given compensated positions in Washington.
  • They and the subsequent group of economists, attorneys, and intellectuals who joined the administration got the moniker "brain trust," regardless of whether they were close to the president or genuinely responsible for any revolutionary programs or policies.
  • As a result, the phrase "brain trust" came to represent all New Deal experiments.

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