Jin most likely forgot to ask himself if the time allotted would be enough to give an informational speech on his specific purpose.
It's critical to consider whether your chosen aim can be accomplished in the time available before choosing it. One of the most prevalent limitations placed on students taking a public speaking course is time. Addresses often have three to five-minute time constraints, with lengthier time limits for speeches later in the semester (five to eight minutes). While standing in front of the class for eight minutes may seem like a lifetime, it's actually a fairly short amount of time to discuss a topic.
Ask yourself how long it would take to educate you on your selected topic or persuade you to alter your behavior or views to determine whether you believe you can accomplish the goal of your speech in the allotted time.
It's likely that you won't be able to inform or persuade your audience if you can't really imagine yourself doing it during the allowed time. Naturally, the answer is to narrow your topic such that you can thoroughly address a certain area of it.
To learn more about time management refer to: https://brainly.com/question/27816412