case study for microbiology: a 65 year old woman was bitten by her cat on the dorsal aspect of the right middle finger at 800am. She rinsed that bite with water, and at 430pm she noted pain and swelling in the finger between the dorsum of the right hand. She then noted pain in the axilla, red streaking up the forearm, and chills. On examination, she had a temp of 38 C and her right upper extremity was notable for swelling, erythema, warmth, and tenderness on the dorsum of the hand. Two small puncture wounds were seen on the proximal phalanx of the long finger, and erythema was visible over the extensor surface of the forearm. Axillary tenderness wsa also noted. Lab analysis demonstrated an elevated WBC of 12,000/ml with a left shift . Aspiration of an abscess on her finger was sent for culture, and the patient was taken to the operating room for incision and drainage of the abscess.
Explain why the lab analyst streaked the unknown organism onto each type of agar medium (SBA, Chocolate, and MAC)
WHich organism was isolated on the culture of the abscess
What is the reservoir of this organism and how do humans most commonly become infected by this organism
What other clinical syndromes can be caused by this organism

Respuesta :

The case study for microbiology is discussed below:

What is Pasteurella multocida virus?

Infections caused by dog and (particularly) cat bites or scratches frequently result from Pasteurella multocida. However, it is infrequently reported and appears to be frequently disregarded as a disease. Cellulitis at the site of injury that is developing quickly is the typical clinical symptom.

This organism tested positive for indole, oxidase, and catalase, according to biochemical analysis.

In less than 24 hours at 35°C in CO2, bacterial culture of intraoperatively obtained abscess material produced smooth, mucoid colonies on blood and chocolate agars (Image 2, bacterial isolate). On MacConkey agar, growth was noticeably missing.

By using MALDI-TOF MS, the bacterium was positively identified as Pasteurella multocida.

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