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I think you may mean the term “Renaissance” here, because “renecessis” is not a word. The dictionary denotation of Renaissance refers to the revival of cultures and art styles during the 14th - 16th centuries. A “Renaissance” example would be the Harlem Renaissance. This cultural revival advertised and promoted black styles and entertainment cultural sources. This event began roughly in 1920, and it lasted throughout the Roaring Twenties to end in 1930. Many famous artists of this event include William Johnson, Gwendolyn B. Bennett, Jacob Lawrence, and Nancy Elizabeth Prophet. Another example of a renaissance would be the Italian Renaissance. This revival, like the Harlem Renaissance, promoted Italian cultures and began in 1350. Many artists featured here were Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael, and Donatello. To simplify, a Renaissance is a cultural revival of interest in ideas, techniques, styles, and any form of art. This was used globally throughout the 14th - 16th centuries, and prosperity often followed events such as these.