Respuesta :


One example:

Welcome Song

Words and music by Glyn Lehmann

Verse 1

You could be home in bed

If you weren’t here instead

Or sailing on a yacht

But we’re so glad you’re not

Verse 2

You could be climbing trees

Or at the movies

Doing the things you do

When you’re just being you

Chorus A

But we’re so glad you’re here

Cos if you weren’t here

Then you’d be somewhere else

If you were somewhere else

Then you wouldn’t be here

And we wouldn’t get to know you

Chorus B

So welcome

We’re so glad you’re here

So welcome

Now we’ll get to know you

Verse 3

You could be at the zoo

Watching what monkeys do

We’d like to be there too

But not if without you

Verse 4

You could be at the fair

You could be anywhere

Where any one could be

If you weren’t here with me

And me, and me, and me...and me!

Repeat Chorus A and Chorus B


We’d like to get to know you

We know we’d get to like you

We hope you’ll like us

Two, four six, eight

We hope you’ll like us

Who do we appreciate?

We’re so glad you’re here

It’s you!


Hope It Helps!!!