The monthly loan payment of the home loan will be 3443.67. which is to be repaid on the balance payment
A loan is the lending of money by one or more people, businesses, or other entities to other people, businesses, or other entities. The recipient incurs a debt and is often responsible for both the principal amount borrowed as well as interest payments until the debt is repaid.
Calculations are as follows:
Interest per day is 25000 x 365, or 68.49.
2054.79 per month in interest (68.49 times 30)
360 times 500000 equals 1388.88 in principal.
2054.79 + 1388.88 = 3443.67 using simple math, the total monthly payment for principal and interest.
3443.67 x 360 =1,239,724.40. That amounts to 5%. Don't forget about taxes, insurance, and other obligations.
Thus, the correct values of repayment of loans are 3443.67.
Learn more about Loan repayment :