Passage 2 American executives like to get right down to business and engage in fast and tough face- to-face bargaining. However, Japanese and other Asian businesspeople often find this behavior offensive. They prefer to start with polite conversation, and they rarely say no in face-to-face conversations. As another example, South Americans like to sit or stand very close to each other when they talk business-in fact, almost nose-to-nose. The American business executive tends to keep backing away as the South American moves closer. -Gary Armstrong and Philip Kotler, Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed., © 2011. Printed and Electronically reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 1. Who or what is this about? 2. What are the major details? 3. What is the main idea that the author is making about the topic?​

Passage 2 American executives like to get right down to business and engage in fast and tough face toface bargaining However Japanese and other Asian businesspe class=