The distance between the refreshment stands is 440 feet
From the question, we are to determine how far apart are the refreshment stands in feet
From the given information,
The parade route is 3/4 mile long
There are refreshment stands at the beginning and end of the route. And there will also be 8 refreshment stands along the route.
This means there will be 10 refreshment stands in all.
If there are 10 refreshment stands in all, then there will be 9 spaces between the refreshment stands.
∴ The distance between any two refreshment stands will be
3/4 mile ÷ 9 = 3/36 mile = 1/12 mile
Now, we will convert this to feet
NOTE: 1 mile = 5280 feet
∴ 1/12 mile = 1/12 × 5280 feet
= 440 feet
Hence, the distance between the refreshment stands is 440 feet.
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