How has secrecy played a role in your life? Have you ever kept something a secret because you thought it was the wisest choice, but then later ended up regretting your decision? Explain. Minimum 5 sentences in length.

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Whether you haven't been faithful to your long-time love or you're hiding something major from your BFF, the guilt that you feel from keeping a secret is likely to get to you. From simple everyday stresses to more intense feelings of regret, getting over the guilt is a must if you want to move on with your relationship and get your life back on track.

Getting over your guilt requires confessing what you've done and the secret that you're keeping.

After you spill your secret, you need to apologize. However, just saying, "Hey, I'm sorry" isn't enough to show that you're sincere. A true apology includes acknowledging that you've done something wrong, accepting responsibility for it and reassuring the other person that you won't repeat your mistake.
