Respuesta :

Some examples:

  • The set of all animals in the world. A subset could be the group of all dogs.
  • The set of all people in a country. A subset would be the group of people in a small town of that same country.
  • Everything in a person's house (set), vs items located inside the person's kitchen only (subset).
  • The set of parallelograms. A subset is the set of all squares.
  • The set of rational numbers, in which the collection of integers is a subset.

With each example, any item or person in the subset is also found in the original set (but not vice versa). For example, any dog is an animal but not the other way around.

If you were to draw a venn diagram, then the larger circle is the set of all animals, while the subset of all dogs is a smaller circle drawn completely inside the larger one.

Those examples listed above is of course not the complete list of set & subset combos. Feel free to get creative and think of others.