Cause: Richard M. Nixon wanted to shift the Supreme Court to a more conservative position.
Effect: _____
2. Cause: As a practical politician, Nixon supported popular programs.
Effect: _____
3. Cause: To reduce inflation, Nixon cut federal spending and called for a tight money policy.
Effect: _____
4. Cause: Nixon and his aides wanted to ensure Nixon’s reelection in 1972.
Effect: _____
5. Cause: Frank Wills’ discovery led to the arrest of five men who had broken into Democratic Committee offices in the Watergate complex.
Effect: _____
6. Cause: Independent prosecutor, Archibald Cox requested a court
order to get secret tapes.
Effect: _____
7. Cause: With the prospect of impeachment, Nixon resigned.
Effect: _____
8. Cause: Americans were startled to learn that the CIA and FBI kept secret files on United States citizens.
Effect: _____
A. An “enemies list” was created; the office of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate complex was burglarized.
B. Ford appointed a special commission to investigate CIA and FBI misconduct.
C. “Plumbers” G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt was arrested.
D. Stagflation occurred.
E. Nixon appointed Warren Burger, Harry Blackmun, Lewis Powell, and William Renquist as justices.
F. Gerald R. Ford became president.
G. The Saturday Night Massacre took place.
H. Nixon approved the creation of OSHA and the EPA