Description Paper assignment 1 (creating a government) I would like you to design a government for your own country (you need a name for the country as well) essentially write a constitution. You will need to explain if it will be capitalist, socialist, communist, or some mixture of them as well as if it will be a democracy, theocracy, republic, monarchy, dictatorship or a new system all together. Also, you will need to decide if the country will have a unicameral or bicameral or even multi- cameral system for the legislature and decide how the executive will be set up. Consider if there will be rules for the political parties, advertising, fund raising, and special interest groups; also will there be limits on the terms of the politicians and if so, what are they? The government you create is completely up to you but you will need to defend why you have set up the government you have chosen. I would suggest looking at some nations constitutions to get some ideas on how you want to set up your government. This assignment should be 4-5 pages in length, double spaced, page numbers, in standard acceptable margins in Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial size 12. Do not use contractions or first person in this paper or you will lose points.